iskele Kaza Mahkemesi, Boğaz Otel konusundaki ara emri talebini görüştü.
Kıdemli Yargıç Düriye Elkıran huzurundaki duruşmada İskele Belediye Avukatı Hakkı Önen ile Boğaz Otel Avukatı Menteş Aziz dinlenildi.
Kıdemli Yargıç Elkıran, geçici ara emri olan davaya ara emri kararı vererek iki tarafın söz konusu alana hiçbir şekilde müdahale edemeyeceğini söyledi.
500375 23238Over and over once more I like to take into consideration this issues. As a matter of fact it wasnt even a month ago that I thought about this quite thing. To be honest, what will be the answer though? 705314
316918 792179Wow What great information. Thank you for the time you spent on this post. 388858
500375 23238Over and over once more I like to take into consideration this issues. As a matter of fact it wasnt even a month ago that I thought about this quite thing. To be honest, what will be the answer though? 705314